Solitary Confinement: This Affects 44,000 People in America

Dear Legislator: According to statistics spouted by various news-stations, there are thousands of long-term prisoners being held in solitary confinement cells, everywhere… Now, if what we know about solitary- confinement, is true then, these people mainly are going without food, human contact, or anything resembling freedom and human tenderness for the known number of 22 hours of the day. Furthermore, then, we know that as of this year, 44,000 people are currently held in solitary confinement, in eight states.
Now, if we could find any place in our heart reflecting the caring, loving, Christian, Muslim or Jewish people that we should be, we would do our utmost to fight for these victims of cruelty which we imagine is going on under the umbrella term, solitary confinement. Jail-guards, who are the only people these solitary confinement victims normally see, are known to be inhumane, meaning, going against anything known to be loving kindness, care, or friendly concern. Now, get this, we know that as of this year, 44,000 people are currently held in solitary confinement, in eight states.

With the way things are going in terms of the fairly well-publicized hunger strike going on at Guantanamo Bay, we should be moved as fellow American citizens of those who are currently imprisoned at Gitmo, knowing the kind of treatment they are undergoing, there. Taunting there is one of the typical occurrences there. Since we know what kind of inhumane treatment these people are getting, it is time to finally bite the bullet and determine some more humane way in which we can treat these victims of torture, since that is what it is. These people have found a mind-bogglingly peaceful way to protest their long stays at Gitmo, which should be closed, anyway. Something has to happen fast, so that we can tell our children that we stood up for something just in the 21st century. So let’s see to it that it does,
Suphie Wesner

Dear Marcia Fudge: it has come to my attention that around 44,000 people suffer the dehumanizing and humiliating effects by being locked up in solitary confinement. It has come to the attention of many, that many have gone on “hunger strike” protesting the deplorable conditions being found at Gitmo, or Guantanamo Bay. One striker, so far, has died. I find this very disturbing, and the effects of solitary confinement were first dramatized for me in the movie, Shawshank Redemption, though I am sure that we all can imagine the effects of it, for ourselves. Aside from solitary confinement being an easy-to-see slippery slope to going crazy, I think it is cruel and inhumane, myself, and was wondering what you thought about this issue. If you would be so kind, please respond to me also in telling me your email-address. Thank you, kindly, for e-mailing me, your thoughts, if you do at all.

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